A Toolkit for Investing in 2023
By Leigh Gant, Chief Marketing and Education Officer
14 December 2022
The number of resources and tools for investors has exploded in recent years.
When I first started investing in July 2002 as an 18-year-old with little-to-no idea of what I was doing, my practice was minimal to say the least. It required a cumbersome desktop computer, an available phone line and a newspaper.
My “research” (don’t laugh) consisted of scanning the newspaper with a ruler and pencil, tracking the stock price of companies I knew and wondering why the numbers changed so much.
I bought my first stock, National Australia Bank (ASX:NAB), through CommSec. It took a while because I had to wait for my father to finish using the landline phone before I could pinch the line and use the internet.
Fast forward to today and my investing practice has changed dramatically. Anyone at any stage of their investing journey has a multitude of resources at their fingertips. This year alone I have been able to make my way through Aswath Damodaran’s corporate finance and valuation courses from the Stern School of Business at New York University from the comfort of my home (YouTube), I’ve automated various valuation spreadsheets to share and collaborate with friends (Google Sheets, Quickfs, SeekingAlpha) and execute trades across Australia, Hong Kong, Canada and USA instantaneously (Interactive Brokers and Selfwealth).
It is incredible what can found, learned and automated. The speed and relatively low (free in some cases) cost is mind-boggling.
The following table is my personal toolkit. It is what I like and find useful – there aren’t enough pages in EQUITY to cover what is more widely available.
I’ve segmented it into beginners, intermediate and advanced. Just like a builders’ toolbox, you add items and never really take the essentials away. Even the most advanced investor will find value in the first few tools listed.
Hopefully you enjoy discovering something to help improve your own investing practice in 2023:
About the Author: Leigh Gant is a seasoned entrepreneur and investor who specialises in scaling and growing businesses, with a passion for Buffett and Munger-style investing. For more insights and further information, visit Unio Growth Partners or connect with Leigh directly for more insights.