Voting Intentions and AGM Reports

Voting intentions and AGM reports are grouped by year and listed in alphabetical order by company name. Use the years below to navigate to a company.
To see if we monitor a specific company, either click on the year below or use the search tool on the Companies we monitor page.
Each year, ASA monitors the performance of most of Australia’s ASX200 companies. An ASA representative will attend the meetings for these companies.
ASA’s voting intentions reflect how ASA intends to vote proxies on resolutions at company general meetings and our rationale.
Voting intentions are published on our website generally two weeks ahead of the AGM. Click on the year first, then on either Voting Intentions or AGM report to download the PDF document.
These documents are freely available to ASA members and non-members.
We aim to have our AGM reports available typically one week after the AGM is held.
All shareholders are welcome to nominate ASA as their proxy. This applies to both members and non-members, irrespective of whether they attend a company meeting as shareholders.
Our company monitors are all ASA members who participate in annual training and regular monitors’ meetings.
Voting intentions and AGM reports are grouped by year and listed in alphabetical order by company name.
For the most recent meeting, please also see Companies we monitor.
Aristocrat Leisure Ltd (ALL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Technology One (TNE)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Voting intentions and AGM reports are grouped by year and listed in alphabetical order by company name.
For the most recent meeting, please also see Companies we monitor.
Accent Group Limited (AX1)
AGM report
ADBRI Limited (ABC)
Voting Intentions | Scheme meeting report
AGL Energy Limited (AGL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
ALS Limited (ALQ)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Alumina Limited (AWC)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Scheme report
AMCIL Limited (AMH)
AGM report
AMP Limited (AMP)
Voting Intentions | AGM Report
Ampol Limited (ALD)
Voting Intentions | AGM Report
Ansell Limited (ANN)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
APA Group (APA)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
APM Human Services International Limited (APM)
Scheme meeting comments
Argo Investments Limited (ARG)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Aristocrat Leisure Ltd (ALL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
ASX Limited (ASX)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Atlas Arteria (ALX)
Voting Intentions
Auckland International Airport Limited (AIA)
Voting Intentions
Aurizon Holdings Limited (AZJ)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Austal Limited (ASB)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd (ANZ)
Voting Intentions | AGM Report
Australian Foundation Investment Company (AFI)
Voting Intentions | AGM Report
Auswide Bank Ltd (ABA)
AGM Report
Bailador Technology Investments Limited (BTI)
AGM Report
Bank of Queensland (BOQ)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Bapcor Limited (BAP)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Beach Energy (BPT)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited (BEN)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
BHP Group Limited (BHP)
Voting Intentions
BlueScope Steel Limited (BSL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Boss Energy Ltd (ASX: BOE)
Voting Intentions
Brambles Limited (BXB)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
CAR Group Limited (CAR)
AGM report
Challenger Limited (CGF)
Voting Intentions
Charter Hall Group (CHC)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Chorus Limited (CNU)
Voting Intentions
Cleanaway Waste Management Limited (CWY)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Cochlear Limited (COH)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Codan Limited (CDA)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Coles Group Limited (COL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Collins Foods Limited (CKF)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA)
Voting Intentions
Computershare Limited (CPU)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Contact Energy Limited (CEN)
Voting Intentions
Corporate Travel Management Limited (CTD)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Costa Group Holdings Ltd (CGC)
Scheme Meeting Report
CSL Limited (CSL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
CSR Limited (CSR)
Voting Intentions | Scheme Meeting report
Data3 Limited (DTL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Deterra Royalties Limited (DRR)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Dexus (DXS)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Djerriwarrh Investments Limited (DJW)
AGM report
Domino’s Pizza Enterprises Limited (DMP)
AGM report
Downer EDI Limited (DOW)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Duxton Water Limited (D2O)
AGM report
Eagers Automotive Limited (APE)
AGM report
EBOS Group Limited (EBO)
Voting Intentions
Elders Limited (ELD)
Voting Intentions
Endeavour Group Limited (EDV)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Evolution Mining Limited (EVN)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Fletcher Building Limited (FBU)
Voting Intentions
Flight Centre Travel Group Limited (FLT)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Fortescue Metals Group Ltd (FMG)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Gold Road Resources Limited (GOR)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Goodman Group (GMG)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
GPT Group (GPT)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Harvey Norman Holdings Limited (HVN)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
IGO Limited (IGO)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Iluka Resources Limited (ILU)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Incitec Pivot Limited (IPL)
AGM report
Infratil Limited (IFT)
Voting Intentions
Insurance Australia Group Limited (IAG)
Voting Intentions
Iress Limited (IRE)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
JB Hi-Fi Limited (JBH)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Jumbo Interactive Limited (JIN)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Karoon Energy Limited (KAR)
AGM report
Kelsian Group Limited (KLS)
AGM report
Lendlease Group (LLC)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Liontown Resources Limited (LTR)
Voting Intentions
Lovisa Holdings Limited (LOV)
AGM report
Lynas Rare Earths Limited (LYC)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Macquarie Group Limited (MQG)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Mader Group Limited (ASX: MAD)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Magellan Financial Group Limited (MFG)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Mainfreight Limited (MFT)
Voting Intentions
McMillan Shakespeare Limited (MMS)
AGM report
Medibank Private Limited (MPL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Megaport Limited (MP1)
AGM report
Meridian Energy Limited (MEL)
Voting Intentions
Metcash Limited (MTS)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Mineral Resources Limited (MIN)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Mirrabooka Investments Limited (MIR)
AGM report
Mirvac Group (MGR)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Monadelphous Group Limited (MND)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Mystate Limited (MYS)
AGM report
National Australia Bank Limited (NAB)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
NEXTDC Limited (NXT)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
NIB Holdings Limited (NHF)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Nine Entertainment Co Holdings Limited (NEC)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Northern Star Resources (NST)
Voting Intentions
NRW Holdings (NWH)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Orica Limited (ORI)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Origin Energy Limited (ORG)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Perenti Global Limited (ASX: PRN)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Perpetual Limited (PPT)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Pilbara Minerals Limited (PLS)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Polynovo Limited (PNV)
AGM report
Port of Tauranga Limited (POT)
Voting Intentions
PWR Holdings Ltd (PWH)
AGM report
Qantas Airways Limited (QAN)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Qube Holdings Limited (QUB)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Ramelius Resources Limited (RMS)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Ramsay Health Care Limited (RHC)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
REA Group Limited (REA)
AGM report
Reece Limited (REH)
AGM report
Region Group (RGN)
Voting Intentions
Regis Healthcare Limited (REG)
AGM report
Resolute Mining Limited (RSG)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Ridley Corporation Limited (RIC)
AGM report
Rio Tinto Limited (RIO)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
RPM Global Holdings Limited
AGM Report
Sandfire Resources Limited (SFR)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Santos Limited (STO)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Scentre Group (SCG)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Sigma Healthcare (SIG)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Silver Lake Resources (SLR)
Voting Intentions
Skellerup Limited (SKL)
Voting Intentions
Sonic Healthcare Limited (SHL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
South32 Limited (S32)
Voting Intentions
Steadfast Group Limited (SDF)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Stockland Corporation Limited (SGP)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Suncorp Group Limited (SUN)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Tabcorp Holdings Limited (TAH)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Technology One (TNE)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Telstra Group (TLS)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
The Lottery Corporation (TLC)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
TPG Telecom Limited (TPG)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Transurban Group (TCL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Treasury Wine Estates Limited (TWE)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
WH Soul Pattinson and Co. Limited (SOL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Webjet Limited (WEB)
AGM report
EGM report
Wesfarmers Limited (WES)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Westgold Resources Limited (WGX)
Voting Intentions
Westpac Banking Corporation (WBC)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
WiseTech Global (WTC)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Woodside Energy (WDS)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Woolworths Group Limited (WOW)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Worley Limited (WOR)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Xero Limited (XRO)
Voting Intentions
Voting intentions and AGM reports are grouped by year and listed in alphabetical order by company name.
For the most recent meeting, please also see Companies we monitor.
ADBRI Limited (ABC)
Voting Intentions
AGL Energy (AGL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Air New Zealand (AIR)
Voting Intentions
Allkem Limited (AKE)
AGM report
Voting Intentions (Scheme Meeting)
Scheme Meeting Report
ALS Limited (ALQ)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Altium Limited (ALU)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Alumina Limited (AWC)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
AMP Limited (AMP)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Ampol Limited (ALD)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Ansell Limited (ANN)
Voting intentions | AGM report
APA Group (APA)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
APM Human Services Intentional Limited (APM)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Ardent Leisure Group (ALG)
AGM report
Arena REIT (ARF)
AGM report
Argo Global Listed Infrastructure Limited (ALI)
AGM report
Argo Investments Limited (ARG)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Aristocrat Leisure Limited (ALL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
ASX Limited (ASX)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Atlas Arteria (ALX)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Auckland International Airport Limited (AIA)
Voting Intentions
Aurizon Holdings Limited (AZJ)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Austal Limited (ASB)
Voting Intentions
Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd (ANZ)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Australian Foundation Investment Company (AFI)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Bank of Queensland (BOQ)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Bapcor Limited (BAP)
AGM report
Beach Energy Limited (BPT)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited (BEN)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
BHP Group Limited (BHP)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Blackmores Ltd (BKL)
Voting Considerations – Scheme meeting
BlueScope Limited (BSL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Brambles Limited (BXB)
Voting intentions | AGM report (CAR)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Challenger Limited (CGF)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Charter Hall Group (CHC)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Chorus Limited (CNU)
Voting Intentions
Cleanaway Waste Management (CWY)
AGM report
Cochlear Limited (COH)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Codan Limited (CDA)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Coles Group Limited (COL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Computershare Limited (CPU)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Contact Energy Limited (CEN)
Voting Intentions
Costa Group Holdings Limited (CGC)
AGM report
CSL Limited (CSL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
CSR Limited (CSR)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Data3 Limited (DTL)
AGM report
Deterra Royalties Limited (DRR)
Voting Intentions
Dexus (DXS)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Domino’s Pizza Enterprises Limited (DMP)
Voting Intentions
EBOS Group Limited (EBO)
Voting intentions
Elders Limited (ELD)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Endeavour Group Limited (EDV)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corporation (FPH)
Voting Intentions
Fletcher Building Limited (FBU)
Voting Intentions
Flight Centre Travel Group Limited (FLT)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Fonterra Shareholders’ Fund (FSF)
Voting Intentions
Fortescue Metals Group Ltd (FMG)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Genesis Energy Limited (GNE)
Voting Intentions
Gold Road Resources (GOR)
Voting Intentions | AGM Report
Goodman Group (GMG)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
GPT Group (GPT)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
GUD Holdings Limited (GUD)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
GWA Group Limited (GWA)
AGM report
Harvey Norman Holdings Limited (HVN)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Heartland Group Holdings Limited (HGH)
Voting Intentions
IDP Education Limited (IEL)
AGM Report
IGO Limited (IGO)
Voting Intentions | AGM Report
Iluka Resources Ltd (ILU)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Incitec Pivot Limited (IPL)
AGM report
Insignia Financial Ltd (IFL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Insurance Australia Group Limited (IAG)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
InvoCare Limited (IVC)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Iress Limited (IRE)
AGM report
JB Hi-Fi Limited (JBH)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Karoon Energy Australia Limited (KAR)
AGM report
Kelsian Group Limited (KLS)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Lendlease Group (LLC)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Liontown Resources Limited (LTR)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Lynas Rare Earths Limited (LYC)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Macquarie Group Limited (MQG)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
McMillan Shakespeare Limited (MMS)
AGM report
Medibank Private Limited (MPL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Megaport Limited (MP1)
AGM report
Mercury NZ (MCY)
Voting Intentions
Meridian Energy Limited (MEL)
Voting Intentions
Metcash Limited (MTS)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Mineral Resources Limited (MIN)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Mirvac Group (MGR)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Monadelphous Group Limited (MND)
AGM Report
National Australia Bank (NAB)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Netwealth Group Limited (NWL)
AGM report
Newcrest Mining Limited (NCM)
Voting Intentions | EGM report
NEXTDC Limited (NXT)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
NIB Holdings Limited (NIB)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Nine Entertainment Co Holdings Limited (NEC)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Northern Star Resources Ltd (NST)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Origin Energy Limited (ORG)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
OZ Minerals Limited (OZL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Perenti Global Limited (PRN)
AGM report
Pilbara Minerals Limited (PLS)
Voting Intentions
Premier Investments Limited (PMV)
AGM report
Qantas Airways Limited (QAN)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
QBE Insurance Group Limited (QBE)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Qube Holdings Limited (QUB)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Ramelius Resources Limited (RMS)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Ramsay Health Care Limited (RHC)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Region Group (RGN)
Voting Intentions
Regis Healthcare (REG)
AGM report
Regis Resources Limited (RRL)
Voting Intentions
Reliance World Corporation Limited (RWC)
AGM report
Resolute Mining Limited (RSG)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Restaurant Brands New Zealand Limited (RBD)
Voting Intentions |
Ridley Corporation (RIC)
AGM results
Rio Tinto Limited (RIO)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Sandfire Resources Limited (SFR)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Santos Limited (STO)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Scentre Group (SCG)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
SEEK Limited (SEK)
AGM report
Sigma Healthcare Limited (SIG)
AGM Report
Silver Lake Resources (SLR)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Skycity Entertainment Group (SKC)
Voting Intentions
Sonic Healthcare Limited (SHL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
South32 Limited (S32)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Spark New Zealand Limited (SPK)
Voting Intentions
The Star Entertainment Group Limited (SGR)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
St Barbara Limited (SBM)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Steadfast Group Limited (SDF)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Stockland Corporation Limited (SGP)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Suncorp Group Limited (SUN)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Super Retail Group Limited (SUL)
AGM Report
Synlait Milk Limited (SM1)
Voting Intentions
Tabcorp Holdings Limited (TAH)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Technology One (TNE)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
The Lottery Corporation Limited (TLC)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Telstra Corporation Limited (TLS)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
TPG Telecom Limited (TPG)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Transurban Group (TCL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Treasury Wine Estates Limited (TWE)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
United Malt Group Limited (UMG)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Ventia Services Group Limited (VNT)
Voting Intentions
Vicinity Centres (VCX)
AGM report
Washington H. Soul Pattinson (SOL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Webjet Limited (WEB)
AGM report
Wesfarmers Limited (WES)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Westgold Resources Limited (WGX)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Westpac Banking Corporation (WBC)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
WiseTech Global (WTC)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Woodside Energy Group Limited (WDS)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Woolworths Group Limited (WOW)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Worley Limited (WOR)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Xero Limited (XRO)
Voting Intentions
Historical Voting intentions and AGM reports are grouped by year and listed in alphabetical order by company name.
For the most recent meeting, please see Companies we monitor.
Accent Group Limited (AX1)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Adairs Limited (ADH)
AGM report
ADBRI Limited (ABC)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
AGL Energy Limited (AGL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Air New Zealand Limited (AIZ)
Voting Intentions
Allkem Limited (AKE)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
ALS Limited (ALQ)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Altium Limited (ALU)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Alumina Limited (AWC)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
AMP Limited (AMP)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Ampol Limited (ALD)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Ansell Limited (ANN)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
APA Group (APA)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
APM Human Services International Limited (APM)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Appen Limited (APX)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Argo Investments Limited (ARG)
Voting Intentions
Aristocrat Leisure Limited (ALL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Aroa Biosurgery Limited (ARX)
Voting Intentions
ASX Limited (ASX)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Atlas Arteria (ALX)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
The a2 Milk Company Limited (A2M)
Voting Intentions
ARB Corporation Limited (ARB)
Voting Intentions
Auckland International Airport Limited
Voting Intentions
Aurizon Holdings Limited (AZJ)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
AusNet Services (AST)
Voting intentions | EGM report
Austal Limited (ASB)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Australia & New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ)
Voting Intentions | AGM report | EGM report
Australian Foundation Investment Company (AFI)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Australian United Investment Company Limited (AUI)
AGM report
Bank of Queensland (BOQ)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Bapcor Limited
AGM Report
Beach Energy Limited (BPT)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited (BEN)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
BHP Group Limited (BHP)
Voting Intentions | EGM report
Voting intentions (October AGM) | AGM report
Blackmores Ltd (BKL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
BlueScope Steel (BSL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Boss Energy Limited (BOE)
Voting Intentions
Brambles Limited (BXB)
Voting intentions | AGM report Limited (CAR)
Voting intentions | AGM Report
Challenger Limited (CGF)
Voting intentions | AGM Report
Chorus Limited (CNU)
Voting intentions
Cleanaway Waste Management Limited (CWY)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Cochlear Limited (COH)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Codan Limited (CDA)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Coles Group Limited (COL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Collins Foods Limited (CKF)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Computershare Limited (CPU)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Contact Energy Limited (CEN)
Voting intentions
Corporate Travel Management Limited (CTD)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Costa Group Holdings (CGC)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Credit Corp Group (CCP)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Crown Resorts (CWN)
Scheme Report
CSL Limited (CSL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
CSR Limited (CSR)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Data3 Limited (DTL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Deterra Royalties Limited (DRR)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Dexus (DXS)
Voting intentions
Diversified United Investment Limited (DUI)
AGM report
Djerriwarrh Investments Limited (DJW)
AGM report
Domino’s Pizza Enterprises Limited (DMP)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Duxton Water Limited (D2O)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Eagers Automotive Limited (APE)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
EBOS Group Limited (EBO)
Voting intentions
Elders Limited (ELD)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Endeavour Group Limited (EDV)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Evolution Mining Limited (EVN)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corporation Limited (FPH)
Voting Intentions
Flight Centre Travel Group Limited (FLT)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Fonterra Shareholders’ Fund (FSF)
Voting Intentions
Fortescue Metals Group Ltd (FMG)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
G8 Education (GEM)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Gold Road Resources Limited (GOR)
AGM report
Goodman Group (GMG)
AGM report
GPT Group (GPT)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
GUD Holdings Limited (GUD)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
GWA Group Limited (GWA)
AGM report
Harmoney Corp Limited (HMY)
Voting Intentions
Healius Limited (HLS)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Heartland Group Holdings Limited (HGH)
Voting Intentions
Hills Limited (HIL)
Voting Intentions | GM report
IGO Limited (IGO)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Iluka Resources (ILU)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
EGM VI – July | EGM report July
Infratil Limited (IFT)
Voting Intentions
Insignia Financial Ltd (IFL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Insurance Australia Group Limited (IAG)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
InvoCare Limited (IVC)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
IRESS Limited (IRE)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Jumbo Interactive Limited (JIN)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Kelsian Group Limited (KLS)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Laybuy Group Holdings Limited (LBY)
Voting Intentions
Lendlease Group (LLC)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Link Administration Holdings Limited (LNK)
Voting Intentions | GM report
Voting intentions (November AGM) |
Voting intentions (December EGM) | AGM report
Liontown Resources Limited (LTR)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Lynas Rare Earths Limited (LYC)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Macquarie Group Limited (MQG)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Magellan Limited (MFG)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Voting intentions (December EGM) | EGM report
Medibank Private Limited (MPL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Mercury NZ Limited (MCY)
Voting Intentions
Meridian Energy Limited (MEZ)
Voting Intentions
Metcash Limited (MTS)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Mineral Resources Limited (MIN)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Mirrabooka Investments Limited (MIR)
AGM report
Monadelphous Group Limited (MND)
AGM report
National Australia Bank Limited (NAB)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
National Storage REIT (NSR)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Neuren Pharmeceuticals Limited (NEU)
Voting Intentions
Newcrest Mining Limited (NCM)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
NEXTDC Limited (NXT)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
NIB Holdings Limited (NHF)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Northern Star Resources Ltd (NST)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
NRW Holdings (NWH)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Orica Limited (ORI)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Origin Energy (ORG)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
OZ Minerals Limited (OZL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Paradigm Biopharmaceuticals Limited (PAR)
AGM report
Perpetual (PPT)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Pilbara Minerals Limited (PLS)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Premier Investments Limited (PMV)
AGM report
Pro Medicus Limited (PME)
AGM report
Qantas Limited (QAN)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
QBE Insurance Group Limited (QBE)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Qube Holdings Limited (QUB)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Ramelius Resources Limited (RMS)
Voting Intentions
Ramsay Health Care Limited (RHC)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Reliance Worldwide Corporation Limited
AGM Report
Resolute Mining Limited (RSG)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Ridley Corporation Limited (RIC)
AGM report
Rio Tinto Limited (RIO)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Voting Intentions (October EGM) | EGM report
Sandfire Resources Limited (SFR)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Santos Limited (STO)
Voting Intentions
Scentre Group (SCG)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
SEEK Limited (SEK)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Seven Group Holdings (SVW)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Shopping Centres Australasia Property Group (SCP) changed name to Region Group (RGN) in November
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Sigma Healthcare Limited (SIG)
AGM report
Silver Lake Resources (SLR)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Sims Limited (SGM)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Skycity Entertainment Group (SKC)
Voting Intentions
Spark Limited (SPK)
Voting Intentions
Sonic Healthcare Limited (SHL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
South32 Limited (S32)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Stockland (SGP)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Straker Translations Limited (STG)
Voting Intentions
Suncorp Group Limited (SUN)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Super Retail Group Limited (SUL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Sydney Airport (SYD)
Voting Intentions | Scheme report
Tabcorp Holdings (TAH)
Voting Intentions (May GM)
Voting Intentions (October AGM) | AGM report
Technology One (TNE)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Telstra Corporation Limited (TLS)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
The Lottery Corporation Limited (TLC)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
The Star Entertainment Group (SGR)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
TPG Telecom (TPG)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Transurban (TCL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Treasury Wine Estates Limited (TWE)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
United Malt Group Limited (UMG)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Ventia Services Group Limited (VNT)
Voting Intentions
Vicinity Centres (VCX)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Washington H. Soul Pattinson (SOL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Webjet (WEB)
AGM report
Wesfarmers Limited (WES)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Westgold Resources (WGX)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Westpac Banking Corporation (WBC)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Woodside Energy Group (WDS) was Woodside Petroleum (WPL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Woolworths Group Limited (WOW)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Worley Limited (WOR)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Xero (XRO)
Voting Intentions
Historical Voting intentions and AGM reports are grouped by year and listed in alphabetical order by company name.
For the most recent meeting, please see Companies we monitor.
A2 Milk (A2M)
Voting intentions
Accent Group (AX1)
Voting intentions
Adairs Limited (ADH)
AGM report
Voting intentions | AGM report
Adore Beauty (ABY)
AGM report
Afterpay Limited (APT)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Scheme meeting notes | Scheme meeting report
AGL Energy Limited (AGL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Air New Zealand Limited (AIZ)
Voting intentions
Altium Limited (ALU)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Alumina Limited (AWC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
ALS Limited (ALQ)
Voting intentions | AGM report
AMA Group Limited (AMA)
AGM report
AMCIL Limited (AMH)
AGM report
Voting intentions | AGM report
Ampol (AL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Andromeda Metals (ADN)
Voting intentions
Ansell Limited (ANN)
Voting intentions | AGM report
APA Group (APA)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Appen (APX)
Voting intentions | AGM report
ARB Corporation Limited (ARB)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Ardent Leisure (ALG)
AGM report
Arena REIT (ARF)
AGM report
Argo Investments Limited (ARG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Aristocrat Leisure (ALL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
ASX Limited (ASX)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Atlas Arteria (ALX)
Voting intentions
Aurizon Holdings (AZJ)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Aussie Broadband Limited (ABB)
AGM report
Ausnet Services (AST)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Austal Limited (ASB)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Australia & New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Australian Foundation Investment Company (AFI)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Australian Pharmaceutical Industries Limited (API)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Australian United Investment Company Limited (AUI)
AGM report
Accent Group (AX1)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Baby Bunting Group Limited (BBN)
AGM report
Bank of Queensland (BOQ)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Bapcor Limited (BAP)
AGM report
Beach Energy (BPT)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Beacon Lighting Group Limited (BLX)
AGM report
Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited (BEN)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Beston Global Food (BFC)
Voting intentions
BHP Group Limited (BHP)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Blackmores (BKL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
BlueScope Steel (BSL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Boral Limited (BLD)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Brambles (BXB)
Voting intentions | AGM report Limited (CAR)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Cedar Woods Properties Limited (CWP)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Chalice Mining (CHN)
AGM report
Challenger Limited (CGF)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Chorus Limited (CNU)
Voting intentions
Cleanaway Waste Management (CWY)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Clean Teq (CLQ) – now Sunrise Energy Metal Limited (SRL)
March 2021 EGM report
Cobram Estate Olives Limited (CBO)
AGM report
Coca Cola Amatil (CCL)
Voting intentions | Scheme meeting report
Cochlear Limited (COH)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Codan Limited (CDA)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Coles Group Limited (COL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Collins Foods Limited (CKF)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Computershare Limited (CPU)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Contact Energy (CEN)
Voting intentions
Corporate Travel Management (CTD)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Voting intentions | AGM report
Credit Corp Group Limited (CCP)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Cromwell Property Group (CMW)
Voting intentions | GM report
Voting intentions | AGM report
Crown Resorts Limited (CWN)
Voting intentions | AGM report
CSR Limited (CSR)
Voting intentions | AGM report
CSL Limited (CSL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Deterra Royalties Limited (DRR)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Dexus (DXS)
Voting intentions | GM report
Voting intentions | AGM Report
Diversified United Investment Limited (DUI)
AGM Report
Djerriwarrh Investments Limited (DJW)
AGM report
Domino’s Pizza Enterprises Limited (DMP)
Voting intentions | AGM Report
Downer EDI Limited (DOW)
Voting intentions | AGM Report
Dubber Corp (DUB)
AGM Report
Duxton Water Limited (D2O)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Eagers Automotive (APE)
Voting intentions | AGM report
EBOS Group Limited (EBO)
Voting intentions
Elders Limited (ELD)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Endeavour Group Limited (EDV)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Equity Trustees Limited (EQT)
AGM report
Estia Health (EHE)
AGM report
Fletcher Building Limited (FBU)
Voting intentions
Flight Centre Travel Group Limited (FLT)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Fonterra Shareholders’ Fund (FSF)
Voting intentions
Fortescue Metals Group Ltd (FMG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
4DMedical Limited (4DX)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Galaxy Resources Limited (GXY)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Galaxy Resources Limited (GXY)
Voting intentions | Scheme meeting report
G8 Education Limited (GEM)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Genesis Energy Limited (GNE)
Voting intentions
Goodman Group (GMG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
GPT Group (GTP)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Growthpoint Properties (GOZ)
Voting intentions | AGM report
GUD Holdings Limited (GUD)
Voting intentions | AGM report
GWA Group Limited (GWA)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Harvey Norman (HVN)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Healius Limited (HLS)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Heartland Group Holdings Limited (HGH)
Voting intentions
Hills Limited (HIL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Hotel Property Investments (HPI)
AGM report
IDP Education Limited (IEL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
IGO Limited (IGO)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Iluka (ILU)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Incitec Pivot (IPL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Inghams Group Limited (ING)
Voting intentions | AGM report
IOOF Holdings (IFL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Insurance Australia Group Limited (IAG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Integral Diagnostics (IDX)
AGM report
InvoCare Limited (IVC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
IRESS Limited (IRE)
Voting intentions | AGM report
JB Hi-Fi (JBH)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Jumbo Interactive Limited (JIN)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Kelsian Group Limited (KLS) – see SeaLink (SLK) (KGN)
Voting Intentions
Korvest Ltd (KOV)
Voting intentions | AGM report
LendLease Corporation (LLC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Liberty Financial Group (LFG)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Lifestyle Communities Limited (LIC)
AGM report
Link Administration Holdings (LNK)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Lovisa (LOV)
AGM report
Lynas Rare Earths (LYC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Macquarie Group Limited (MQG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Magellan Financial Group Limited (MFG)
Voting intentions
McMillan Shakespeare Limited (MMS)
AGM report
Medibank Private Limited (MPL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Medical Developments International Limited (MVP)
AGM report
Metcash Limited (MTS)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Mineral Resources (MIN)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Mirrabooka Investments (MIR)
AGM report
Mirvac Group (MGR)
Voting intentions | AGM report
MMA Offshore (MRM)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Monadelphous Group Limited (MND)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Monash IVF Group Limited (MVF)
AGM report
Myer Holdings Limited (MYR)
AGM report
Mystate Limited (MYS)
Voting intentions | AGM report
National Australia Bank (NAB)
Voting intentions | AGM report
National Storage REIT (NSR)
AGM report
Netwealth Group Limited (NWL)
AGM report
Newcrest Mining Limited (NCM)
Voting intentions | AGM report
New Hope Corporation (NHC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
NEXTDC Limited (NXT)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Nine Entertainment Co Holdings (NEC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Northern Star Resources (NST)
Voting intentions | AGM report
NRW Holdings (NWH)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Nufarm Limited (NUF)
Voting intentions
Orica Limited (ORI)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Origin Energy (ORG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Orocobre (ORE) to be renamed Allkem (AKE)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Orora Limited (ORA)
Voting intentions
Oz Minerals (OZL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Pendal Group (PDL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Perpetual Limited (PPT)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Pilbara Minerals (PLS)
Voting intentions | GM report
Voting intentions | AGM Report
Platinum Asset Management Limited (PTM)
Voting intentions | AGM Report
Pointsbet Holdings (PBH)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Polynovo Limited (PNV)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Premier Investments (PMV)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Pro Medicus (PME)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Qantas Airways Limited (QAN)
Voting intentions | AGM Report
QBE Insurance Group Limited (QBE)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Qube Holdings Limited (QUB)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Ramelius Resources Limited (RMS)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Ramsay Health Care Limited (RHC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Reece Limited (REH)
AGM report
Redbubble Limited (RBL)
AGM report
Regis Healthcare (REG)
AGM report
Regis Resources Limited (RRL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Reliance Worldwide Corporation (RWC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Resolute Mining Limited (RSG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Restaurant Brands New Zealand Limited (RBD)
Voting intentions
Ridley Corporation Limited (RIC)
AGM report
Rio Tinto (RIO)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Sandfire Resources (SFR)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Santos (STO)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Saracen Mineral Holdings Limited (SAR)
Jan 2021 Scheme Voting intentions
Scentre (SCG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Sealink Travel Group Limited (SLK) – renamed Kelsian Group Limited (KLS)
Voting intentions | AGM report
SEEK Limited (SEK)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Select Harvest (SHV)
AGM Report
Service Stream Limited (SSM)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Seven Groups Holdings (SVW)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Shopping Centres Australasia Property Group (SCP)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Sigma Healthcare Limited (SIG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Sims Metal Management Limited (SGM)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Skycity Entertainment Group (SKC)
Voting intentions
Sky Network Television Limited (SKT)
Voting intentions
Sonic Healthcare (SHL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
South32 Limited (S32)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Spark Infrastructure Group (SKI)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Voting Intentions | EGM report
The Star Entertainment Group Limited (SGR)
Voting intentions | AGM report
St Barbara Limited (SBM)
AGM report
Stockland Corporation Limited (SGP)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Summerset Group Holdings Limited (SNZ)
Voting intentions
Suncorp (SUN)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Sunrise Energy Metal Limited (SRL) – formerly CleanTeq (CLQ)
AGM report
Super Retail Group Limited (SUL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Sydney Airport (SYD)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Synlait Milk Limited (SM1)
Voting intentions
Tabcorp (TAH)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Tassal Group Limited (TGR)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Technology One (TNE)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited (TLX)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Telstra Corporation Limited (TLS)
Voting intentions | AGM report
TPG Telecom Limited
Voting intentions | AGM report
Transurban Group (TCL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Treasury Wine Estates (TWE)
Voting intentions | AGM report
United Malt (UMG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Uniti Group (UWL)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Vicinity Centres (VCX)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Viva Energy Group Limited (VEA)
AGM Report | EGM report
Vocus (VOC)
EGM report
Webjet Limited (WEB)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Wesfarmers Limited (WES)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Western Areas Limited (WSA)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Westgold Resources Limited (WGX)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Westpac Banking Corporation (WBC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Whitehaven Coal Limited (WHC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Woodside (WPL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Woolworths Group Limited (WOW)
Voting intentions | GM report
Voting intentions | AGM report
Worley Limited (WOR)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Xero (XRO)
Voting intentions
Voting intentions and AGM reports are grouped by year and listed in alphabetical order by company name.
For the most recent meeting, please also see Companies we monitor.
5G Networks Limited (5GN)
AGM report
Accent Group Limited (AX1)
AGM report
Adairs Limited (ADH)
AGM report
ADBRI Limited (ABC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Afterpay Touch Group Limited (APT)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Voting intentions | AGM report
Air New Zealand Limited (AIZ)
Voting intentions
ALS Limited (ALQ)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Altium Limited (ALU)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Alumina (AWC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Alumina (AWC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
AMCIL Limited (AMH)
AGM report
AMA Group Limited (AMA)
AGM report
Voting intentions | AGM report
Ampol Limited (ALD)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Ansell Limited (ANN)
Voting intentions | AGM report
APA Group (APA)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Appen (APX)
Voting intentions | AGM report
ARB Corporation (ARB)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Arena REIT (ARF)
Voting intentions
Argo Investments Limited (ARG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Aristocrat Leisure (ALL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Asaleo Care Limited (AHY)
AGM report
Voting intentions | AGM report
Auckland International Airport Limited (AIA)
Voting intentions
Aurizon (AZJ)
Voting intentions | AGM report
AusNet Services (AST)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Austal Limited (ASB)
Voting intentions
Australia & New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Australian Foundation Investment Company (AFI)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Australian Pharmaceutical Industries Limited (API)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Australian United Investment Company Limited (AUI)
AGM report
Baby Bunting Group Limited (BBN)
AGM report
Bank of Queensland (BOQ)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Bapcor Limited (BAP)
AGM report
Beacon Lighting Group Limited (BLX)
AGM report
Beach Energy (BPT)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Bell Financial Group (BFG)
AGM report
Bendigo Bank (BEN)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Beston Global Food (BFC)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
BHP Group (BHP)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Blackmores Limited (BKL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
BlueScope Steel Limited (BSL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Boral Limited (BLD)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Brambles (BXB)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Caltex Limited (CTX)
See Ampol Ltd (ALD) Limited (CAR)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Cedar Woods Properties Limited (CWP)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Challenger Limited (CGF)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Chorus Limited (CNU)
Voting intentions
Cleanaway Waste Management Limited (CWY)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Clean TeQ Holdings Limited (CLQ)
AGM report
Clinuvel Pharmaceuticals Limited (CUV)
AGM report
Coca-Cola Amatil (CCL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Cochlear (COH)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Codan Limited (CDA)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Coles Group Limited (COL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Collins Foods Limited (CKF)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Commonwealth Bank (CBA)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Computershare Limited (CPU)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Contact Energy Limited (CEN)
Voting intentions
Cooper Energy Limited (COE)
AGM report
Corporate Travel Management Limited (CTD)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Costa Group (CGC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Credit Corp Group Limited (CCP)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Cromwell Property Group (CMW)
Voting intentions | March 2020 EGM report
Voting intentions | Sep 2020 EGM report
Voting intentions | AGM report
Crown Resorts Limited (CWN)
Voting intentions | AGM report
CSL Limited (CSL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
CSR Limited (CSR)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Dexus Property Group (DXS)
Voting intentions
Diversified United Investment (DUI)
AGM report
Djerriwarrh Investments Limited (DJW)
AGM report
Domain Holdings Australia (DHG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Domino’s Pizza Enterprise (DMP)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Downer EDI Limited (DOW)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Duxton Water (D2O)
Voting intentions
EBOS Group Limited (EBO)
Voting intentions
EML Payments (EML)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Equity Trustees Limited (EQT)
AGM report
Far Limited (FAR)
AGM report
Fisher & Paykel (FPH)
Voting intentions
Fletcher Building Limited (FBU)
Voting intentions
Fonterra Shareholders’ Fund (FSF)
Voting intentions
Fortescue Metals Group Limited (FMG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Flight Centre Travel Group Limited (FLT)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Frontier Digital Ventures Limited (FDV)
AGM report
G8 Education (GEM)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Galaxy Resources (GXY)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Genesis Energy Limited (GNE)
Voting intentions
Goodman Group (GMG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
GPT Group (GPT)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Graincorp (GNC)
Voting intentions | EGM report
Growthpoint Properties Australia (GOZ)
Voting intentions | AGM report
GUD Holdings (GUD)
Voting intentions | AGM report
GWA Group Limited (GWA)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Hansen Technologies Limited (HSN)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Harvey Norman Holdings Limited (HVN)
AGM report
Healius Limited (HLS)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Heartland Group Holdings Limited (HGH)
Voting intentions
Hills Limited (HIL)
AGM report
Hotel Property Investments (HPI)
AGM report
HUB24 Limited (HUB)
Voting intentions | AGM report
IDP Education (IEL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
IGO Limited (IGO)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Iluka (ILU)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Voting intentions | EGM report
Incitec Pivot (IPL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Infratil Limited (IFT)
Voting intentions
Inghams Group Limited (ING)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Insurance Australia Group Limited (IAG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
InvoCare (IVC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
IOOF Holdings Limited (IFL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Voting intentions | AGM report
Japara (JHC)
AGM report
JB Hi Fi Limited (JBH)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Jumbo Interactive Limited (JIN)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Karoon Gas Australia Limited (KAR)
Voting intentions | AGM report Limited (KGN)
Voting intentions
Korvest Limited (KOV)
AGM report
LendLease Corporation (LLC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Lifestyle Communities Limited (LIC)
AGM report
Link Administration Holdings (LNK)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Lovisa Holdings (LOV)
AGM report
Macquarie Group (MQG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Magellan Financial Group Limited (MFG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Magellan Global Trust (MGG)
Voting intentions
Mayne Pharma Group Limited (MYX)
AGM report
McMillan Shakespeare (MMS)
AGM report
Mercury NZ Limited (MCY)
Voting intentions
Meridian Energy Limited (MEZ)
Voting intentions
Medibank Private (MPL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Mesoblast Limited (MSB)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Metcash (MTS)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Mirvac (MGR)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Mineral Resources Limited (MIN)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Monadelphous Group Limited (MND)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Monash IVF Group Limited (MVF)
AGM report
McMillan Shakespeare Limited (MMS)
AGM report
MMA Offshore Limited (MRM)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Myer Holdings Limited (MYR)
AGM Report
Mystate Limited (MYS)
Voting intentions | AGM report
National Australia Bank (NAB)
Voting intentions | AGM report
National Storage REIT (NSR)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Netwealth Group Limited (NWL)
AGM report
Newcrest Mining Limited (NCM)
Voting intentions | AGM report
New Hope Corporation (NHC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
NIB Holdings (NHF)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Nine Entertainment (NEC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Northern Star Resources (NST)
Voting intentions | Jan 2020 EGM report
Nov 2020 AGM report
NRW Holdings (NWH)
Voting intentions | Feb 2020 EGM report
Voting intentions | Nov 2020 AGM report
Nufarm Limited (NUF)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Ooh! Media (OML)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Orica Limited (ORI)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Origin Energy (ORG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Orocobre Limited (ORE)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Orora (ORA)
Voting intentions | June 2020 EGM report
OZ Minerals (OZL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Paradigm Biopharmaceuticals Limited (PAR)
AGM report
Pendal Group Limited (PDL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Perenti Global (PRN)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Perpetual Equity Investment Company Limited (PIC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Perpetual Limited (PPT)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Pilbara Minerals Limited (PLS)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Platinum Asset Management Limited (PTM)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Praemium Limited (PPS)
AGM Report
Premier Investments (PMV)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Pro Medicus Limited (PME)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Qantas Airways Limited (QAN)
Voting intentions | AGM report
QANTM Intellectual Property Limited (QIP)
AGM report
QBE Insurance Group (QBE)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Qube Holdings Limited (QUB)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Ramelius Resource Limited (RMS)
Voting intentions
Ramsay Health Care Limited (RHC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
REA Group Ltd (REA)
AGM report
Voting intentions | AGM report
Regis Resources Limited (RRL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Redbubble Limited (RBL)
AGM report
Reece Limited (REH)
AGM report
Reliance Worldwide (RWC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Resolute Mining (RSG)
Voting intentions | EGM report
Restaurant Brands New Zealand Limited (RSG)
Voting intentions
Rio Tinto (RIO)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Sandfire Resources NL (SFR)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Santos (STO)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Saracen Mineral Holdings Limited (SAR)
Voting intentions | Mar 2020 EGM report
Voting intentions | Oct 2020 AGM report
Scentre Group (SCG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Sealink Travel Group (SLK)
Voting intentions | AGM report
SEEK Limited (SEK)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Select Harvests (SHV)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Service Stream Limited (SSM)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Seven Group Holdings Limited (SVW)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Seven West Media Limited (SWM)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Shaver Shop Group Limited (SSG)
AGM report
Shopping Centres Australia (SCP)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Sigma Healthcare (SIG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Sims Metal Management Limited (SGM)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Skycity Entertainment (SKC)
Voting intentions
Sonic Healthcare (SHL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
South32 Limited (S32)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Spark Infrastructure Group (SKI)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Spark New Zealand Limited (SPK)
Voting intentions
St Barbara Limited (SBM)
AGM report
Starpharma Holdings Limited (SPL)
AGM report
Stockland Corporation Limited (SGP)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Suncorp (SUN)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Super Retail Group (SUL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Sydney Airport (SYD)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Syrah Resources (SYR)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Tabcorp Holdings Limited (TAH)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Tassal (TGR)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Technology One (TNE)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Telix Pharmaceuticals (TLX)
AGM report
Telstra Corporation (TLS)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Templeton Global Growth Fund Limited (TGG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
The a2 Milk Company Limited (A2M)
Voting intentions
The Reject Shop (TRS)
AGM report
The Star Entertainment Group (SGR)
Voting intentions | AGM report
TPG Telecom (TPM)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Transurban Group (TCL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Treasury Wine Estates (TWE)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Vicinity Centres (VCX)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Viva Energy (VEA)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Vocus Group Limited (VOC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Webjet Limited (WEB)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Wesfarmers (WES)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Western Areas Limited (WSA)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Westgold Resources Limited (WGX)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Westpac Banking Corporation (WBC)
AGM report
Whitehaven Coal (WHC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
WiseTech Global (WTC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Woodside Petroleum (WPL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Woolworths Group Limited (WOW)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Worley (WOR)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Xero Limited (XRO)
Voting intentions
Voting intentions and AGM reports are grouped by year and listed in alphabetical order by company name.
For the most recent meeting, please also see Companies we monitor.
Adelaide Brighton (ABC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Afterpay Touch Group Limited (APT)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Voting intentions | AGM report
Air New Zealand Limited (AIZ)
Voting intentions
ALS Limited (ALQ)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Altium Limited (ALU)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Alumina (AWC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
AMCIL Limited (AMH)
AGM report
Amcor (AMC)
Scheme meeting report
AMA Group Limited (AMA)
AGM report
Voting intentions | AGM report
Ansell Limited (ANN)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Appen (APX)
Voting intentions | AGM report
ARB Corporation (ARB)
Voting intentions
Ardent Leisure Group (ARG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Arena REIT (ARF)
AGM report
Argo Investments Limited (ALG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Aristocrat Leisure (ALL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Voting intentions | AGM report
Atlas Arteria (ALX)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Auckland International Airport Limited (AIA)
Voting Intentions
Aurizon (AZJ)
Voting Intentions | AGM report
Ausdrill (ASL) now Perenti Global
Voting intentions | AGM report
AusNet Services (AST)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Austal Limited (ASB)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Australia & New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Australian Foundation Investment Company (AFI)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Australian Pharmaceutical Industries Limited (API)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Australian United Investment Company (AUI)
AGM report
Bank of Queensland (BOQ)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Beacon Lighting Group Limited (BLX)
AGM report
Beach Energy (BPT)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Bellamy’s Australia Limited (BAL)
AGM report
Bendigo Bank (BEN)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Beston Global Food (BFC)
AGM report
BHP Group (BHP)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Blackmores Limited (BKL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
BlueScope Steel Limited (BSL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Boral Limited (BLD)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Brambles (BXB)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Caltex Australia (CTX)
Voting intentions | AGM report Limited (CAR)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Cedar Woods Properties Limited (CWP)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Challenger Limited (CGF)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Chorus Limited (CNU)
Voting intentions
Cleanaway Waste Management Limited (CWY)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Clean TeQ Holdings Limited (CLQ)
AGM report
Clinuvel Pharmaceuticals Limited (CUV)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Coca-Cola Amatil (CCL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Cochlear (COH)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Codan Limited (CDA)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Coles Group Limited (COL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Commonwealth Bank (CBA)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Computershare Limited (CPU)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Costa Group (CGC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Credit Corp Group Limited (CCP)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Cromwell Property Group (CMW)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Crown Resorts Limited (CWN)
Voting intentions | AGM report
CSL Limited (CSL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
CSR Limited (CSR)
Voting intentions | AGM report
AGM report
Dexus Property Group (DXS)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Diversified United Investments (DUI)
AGM report
Djerriwarrh Investments Limited (DJW)
AGM report
Domain Holdings Australia (DHG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Domino’s Pizza Enterprise (DMP)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Downer EDI Limited (DOW)
Voting intentions | AGM report
DuluxGroup (DLX)
Voting intentions | Scheme meeting report
EBOS Group Limited (EBO)
Voting intentions
Elders Limited (ELD)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Ellex Medical Lasers (EYE)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Equity Trustees Limited (EQT)
AGM report
Fonterra Shareholders’ Fund (FSF)
Voting intentions
Fortescue Metals Group Limited (FMG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Flight Centre Travel Group Limited (FLT)
Voting intentions | AGM report
G8 Education (GEM)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Galaxy Resources (GXY)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Goodman Group (GMG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
GPT Group (GPT)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Graincorp (GNC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Growthpoint Properties Australia (GOZ)
Voting intentions | AGM report
GUD Holdings (GUD)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Hansen Technologies Limited (HSN)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Harvey Norman Holdings Limited (HVN)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Healthscope (HSO)
Scheme meeting report
Healius Limited (HLS)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Helloworld Travel Limited (HLO)
AGM report
Hills Limited (HIL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Iluka (ILU)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Incitec Pivot (IPL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Independence Group NL (IGO)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Inghams Group Limited (ING)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Insurance Australia Group Limited (IAG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Integral Diagnostics Limited (IDX)
AGM report
InvoCare (IVC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
IOOF Holdings Limited (IFL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Voting intentions | AGM report
Japara (JHC)
AGM report
JB Hi Fi Limited (JBH)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Johns Lyng Group Limited (JLG)
AGM report
K&S Corporation Limited (KSC)
AGM report
Karoon Gas Australia Limited (KAR)
AGM report
L1 Long Short Fund Limited (LSF)
AGM report
Legend Corporation (LGD)
Voting intentions | AGM report
LendLease Corporation (LLC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Lifestyle Communities Limited (LIC)
AGM report
Link Administrative Holdings (LNK)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Lovisa Holdings (LOV)
AGM report
Macquarie Group (MQG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Magellan Financial Group Limited (MFG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Mayne Pharma Group Limited (MYX)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Mercury NZ Limited (MCY)
Voting intentions
Meridian Energy Limited (MEZ)
Voting intentions
Medibank Private (MPL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Medical Developments International Limited (MVP)
AGM report
Mesoblast Limited (MSB)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Metcash (MTS)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Midway Limited (MWY)
AGM report
Mirvac (MGR)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Mineral Resources Limited (MIN)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Monadelphous Group Limited (MND)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Monash IVF Group Limited (MVF)
AGM report
McMillan Shakespeare Limited (MMS)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Mystate Limited (MYS)
AGM report
National Australia Bank (NAB)
Voting intentions | AGM report
National Storage REIT (NSR)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Navitas (NVT)
Voting intentions | EGM report
Netwealth Group Limited (NWL)
AGM report
New Century Resources (NCZ)
AGM report
Newcrest Mining Limited (NCM)
Voting intentions | AGM report
New Hope Corporation (NHC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
NIB Holdings (NHF)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Nine Entertainment (NEC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Northern Star Resources (NST)
Voting intentions
NRW Holdings (NWH)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Nufarm Limited (NUF)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Ooh! Media (OML)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Opthea Limited (OPT)
AGM report
Orica Limited (ORI)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Origin Energy (ORG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Orora (ORA)
Voting intentions | AGM report
OZ Minerals (OZL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Pact Group Holdings (PGH)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Paradigm Biopharmaceuticals Limited (PAR)
AGM report
Pendal Group Limited (PDL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Perenti Global (PRN) see Ausdrill (ALS)
Perpetual Limited (PPT)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Pilbara Minerals Limited (PLS)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Platinum Asset Management Limited (PTM)
Voting intentions
Premier Investments Limited (PMV)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Polynovo Limited (PNV)
AGM report
Pro Medicus Limited (PME)
AGM report
Qantas Airways Limited (QAN)
Voting intentions
QANTM Intellectual Property Limited (QIP)
AGM report
QBE Insurance Group (QBE)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Qube Holdings Limited (QUB)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Ramelius Resource Limited (RMS)
Voting intentions
Ramsay Health Care Limited (RHC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Regis Healthcare (REG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Regis Resources Limited (RRL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Redbubble Limited (RBL)
AGM report
Reece Limited (REH)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Reliance Worldwide (RWC)
Voting intentions
Resolute Mining (RSG)
Voting intentions | EGM report
Retail Food Group Limited (RFG)
AGM report
Rio Tinto (RIO)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Sandfire Resources NL (SFR)
Voting intentions
Santos (STO)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Saracen Mineral Holdings Limited (SAR)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Scentre Group (SCG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
SDI Limited (SDI)
AGM report
Sealink Travel Group (SLK)
AGM report
SEEK Limited (SEK)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Select Harvests (SHV)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Seven Group Holdings Limited (SVW)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Seven West Media Limited (SWM)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Service Stream Limited (SSM)
AGM report
Shopping Centres Australia (SCP)
AGM report
Sigma Healthcare (SIG)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Sims Metal Management Limited (SGM)
Voting intentions
Skycity Entertainment Group Limited (SKC)
Voting intentions
Sonic Healthcare (SHL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
South32 Limited (S32)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Spark Infrastructure Group (SKI)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Spark New Zealand Limited (SPK)
Voting intentions
Speedcast International (SDA)
Voting intentions | AGM report
St Barbara Limited (SBM)
AGM report
Starpharma Holdings Limited (SPL)
AGM report
Stockland Corporation Limited (SGP)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Suncorp (SUN)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Super Retail Group (SUL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Sydney Airport (SYD)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Synlait Milk Limited (SM1)
Voting intentions
Syrah Resources (SYR)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Tabcorp Holdings Limited (TAH)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Tassal (TGR)
Voting intentions
Technology One (TNE)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Telstra Corporation (TLS)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Templeton Global Growth Fund Limited (TGG)
AGM report
The Star Entertainment Group (SGR)
Voting intentions | AGM report
TPG Telecom (TPM)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Transurban Group (TCL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Treasury Wine Estates (TWE)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Vicinity Centres (VCX)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Village Roadshow (VRL)
AGM report
Viva Energy (VEA)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Vocus Group Limited (VOC)
Voting intentions
Webjet Limited (WEB)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Wesfarmers (WES)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Western Areas Limited (WSA)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Westpac Banking Corporation (WBC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Wellcom Group Limited (WLL)
Scheme meeting report
Whitehaven Coal (WHC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
WiseTech Global (WTC)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Woodside Petroleum (WPL)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Woolworths Group Limited (WOW)
Voting intentions | AGM report
Worley (WOR)
Voting intentions | AGM report