Why Appoint the ASA As Your Proxy?

We are the only organisation that monitors the performance and governance of listed companies that is focused on advancing and protecting the interests of retail shareholders.


Don’t underestimate the power of your proxy, every vote counts. Adding your voice to ASA’s amplifies our collective voice, allowing us to question directors at AGMs with the weight of a top 20 shareholder position.


Voting is a key shareholder right, irrespective of holding size. Our team of monitors engage with company leaders, writing voting intentions and attending AGMs to represent retail shareholders effectively.





Save time, let us do the hard work of analysing lengthy company reports and deciding whether to vote in favour or against resolutions at AGMs.


Rest assured, appointing a proxy doesn’t preclude you from attending shareholder meetings, your presence and engagement is always valued.

How to appoint the ASA as your proxy

Method 1: Paper-based forms
  • Insert “Australian Shareholders’ Association” on the form where it asks for the name of your proxy
  • The share registries have our relevant email address so leave proxy email address blank
  • Leave the boxes blank if you wish ASA to vote in accordance with our voting intentions
  • Mark “For” or “Against” on the form where you want to direct your vote. If you mark “Abstain” on the form, that resolution cannot be voted on
  • Return the form to the share registry (the form must arrive 48 hours before the meeting)

If you have never filled out a proxy form or would like to refresh your memory, click here to see an example.

Method 2: Voting online

You can access online voting portals via the ComputershareLink Market Services or Boardroom website, or via a direct link if one has been emailed to you.

  • Select “Appoint a proxy
  • Insert “Australian Shareholders Association” where it asks for the name of your proxy. If asked, ASA is a body corporate.
  • Mark the votes “Open” if you wish ASA to vote in accordance with our voting intentions
  • Mark “For” or “Against” where you want to direct your vote. If you mark “Abstain” that resolution cannot be voted on
  • The share registries have our relevant email address so leave proxy email address blank
  • Submit the form once you’ve completed all relevant details

 How to lodge a voting proxy with ASA

Method 3: Standing proxies
  • Complete the appropriate standing proxy form once for each of your shareholdings
  • Return the form to the relevant share registry

Download standing proxy forms: 

More information about standing proxies

By appointing ASA as your standing proxy, ASA will do the work for you and vote on your behalf at all future meetings of the company. It removes the hassle of filling in proxy forms for every meeting and you can revoke the appointment at any time.

  • If you buy more shares in a company under the same HIN/SRN, you don’t need to complete a new form
  • Standing proxies are company-specific. If there is a change to company or registry you will need to complete a new form.