Ballarat ASA member group turns 21!
By Gill Fryatt, Convenor, Ballarat Regional Group
28 April 2023
Almost 30 ASA members and friends attended the evening discussion meeting to celebrate the milestone. Celebrations and a birthday cake baked by Kerry Williams, followed by an address by Steve van Emmerik on Exchange Traded Funds and Listed Investment Trusts. He discussed how easily they can become part of your investment strategy. Read more here.
Ballarat ASA began on 19 April 2002, with Melbourne based members coming to Ballarat encouraging locals to form a regional group. Betty Clarke-Wood became the first convenor and continued in the role for the next 17 years. Gill Fryatt became the next convenor and continues in the role at present.
They started the first ‘Coffee Mornings’ as an informal way of members and friends coming together to discuss their investments. ‘Coffee Mornings’ have now spread widely and are well appreciated by many ASA member groups.
Betty Clarke-Wood, Alec Wood, Thelma Smith, and Doug Smith are four members from the original Ballarat meeting. Betty and Alec sent a video for members to watch during the meeting about their life and skills retained from being ASA members.
At the meeting, Thelma addressed the group about how she and Doug gained skills by meeting face to face with other members and groups and going to events held in Melbourne.
This is a similar story for many Ballarat members looking to improve their investment skills, including the need to create an income stream to support themselves and their families after retiring or selling their business or farm.
ASA is not just for retired people but for anyone who wants to learn new skills about investing in the share market. There are so many options for investments these days and now with the ease of online trading, people can make their own choices cheaply and easily, after due consideration.