By Magellan Financial Group
July 5th, 2024
US utilities are on the verge of a significant growth super cycle, fuelled by the expansion of data centres and a revival in manufacturing and supply chain, all underpinned by the continuous push for net-zero emissions.
The I-94 corridor within the WEC Energy Group service territory is just a microcosm of what is currently unfolding across the US. The corridor has rapidly become a hotbed for economic growth. Microsoft has established a presence in the corridor with the construction of a substantial data centre, as well as other major global consumer brands, pharmaceutical and technology companies. WEC Energy, one of the largest investor-owned utilities in the US, is one of many well-placed to benefit from these megatrends, thereby creating low risk long term value for its investors.
Magellan Portfolio Manager, Jowell Amores is joined by Gale Klappa, Chairman of WEC Energy, and Jim Paetsch, Executive Director of a regional development agency in the Midwest discussing this underappreciated investment opportunity.
Listen to the podcast below.

Data Centres and Beyond: WEC Energy powering regional US growth
In last month’s discussion from Magellan’s Infrastructure team ‘Lessons learnt from investing in essential services’, Magellan’s Head of Infrastructure, Gerald Stack, and Portfolio Managers Ben McVicar and Ofer Karliner discuss what they look for in attractive assets and their experiences over a combined 60 years of investing in these essential services.
“So for many investors when they hear CapEx, they get a bit scared by that. Our eyes tend to light up a bit when we hear CapEx.” – Gerald Stack , Head of Investments & Head of Infrastructure.
The long term regular and reliable returns from the infrastructure sector present an overwhelming opportunity. Infrastructure investing may initially seem intimidating to investors due to the substantial capital expenditures that companies require upfront. However, the long term regular and reliable returns from the infrastructure sector have the potential to grow your wealth over time with a high degree of confidence.
Listen to the podcast below.

Lessons learnt from investing in essential services
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