About Us
Get Involved
Our member volunteers are the cornerstone of the ASA. Their commitment is essential; without their contributions, our work couldn’t be realised.

Outside our keen team at the National Office, everything ASA does is done by member volunteers. They’re the backbone of the ASA. Without them, the work we do simply isn’t possible. If you’d like to be involved — your energy, background and skills can make a real difference.
Our experienced and capable member volunteers come from all sorts of backgrounds and experience. They include ASA Directors and State Chairs, all the members of our Australia-wide Company Monitoring teams, our Education Officers and the convenors of our metropolitan and regional member meetings.
State Chairs
The ASA operates nationally with active committees in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and the ACT. Each state is overseen by a state chair with a state committee. The state committee is responsible for the coordination and activities of the state and serves as the conduit between the office and the local volunteers and members. For information about the ASA in your state please feel free to contact us via this email address: share@asa.asn.au
NSW State Chair: Geoff McClelland
List of Meeting Groups
Bondi Junction |
Double Bay |
Hills District |
Inner West |
Hunter Region |
Northern Beaches |
Killara (North Shore) |
Orange |
Parramatta |
South Coast |
Southern Highlands |
Sutherland |
Wollongong |
Collaroy Beach Evening Investor Group |
Lower North Shore (Monday & Thursday) |
Sydney CBD |
VIC State Chair: Christine Haydon
Prahran Coffee meeting |
Albury-Wodonga |
Ballarat |
Bendigo |
Echuca Discussion Group |
Geelong |
Hawthorn |
Manningham |
Monash |
Mornington |
Wimmera |
Kingston |
Melbourne Evening Meeting |
ACT State Chair: John O’Callaghan
Canberra Convenor & Zoom Meetings (ACT State Chair) |
Canberra Zoom meeting (Licneces) |
QLD State Chair: Lasse Petersen
Queensland Zoom meeting (Board Chair) |
Brisbane Investor Forum (QLD State Chair) |
Gold Coast meeting |
Gold Coast Coffee Group |
Sunshine Coast |
Gold Coast Meeting (with Judie Groves) |
SA State Chair: Malcolm Holden
Adelaide Investor Forum |
Adelaide Industrial Shares Discussion |
Adelaide Resource Shares |
TAS State Chair: Ian Ross Chalk M.B.E
North West Tasmania |
North West Tasmania/Launceston (TAS State Chair) |
WA State Chair: Kevin Bowman
Busselton |
Nedlands |
Perth Investor Forum |
Perth Investors Corner |
South of the River |
Stirling |
WA Members' Meeting (WA State Chair) |
Company Monitoring Chairs
ASA has a dedicated team of company monitors who meet with company chairs and directors to discuss issues of importance to retail shareholders.
Based on our board engagement and independent analysis of the annual report and financial statements, our monitors prepare voting intentions, having regard to ASA’s Voting and engagement guidelines, and they attend AGMs on behalf of our members and retail shareholders.
Lewis Gomes
Len Roy
Bob Ritchie
Steven Mabb
Mike Robey & John Whittington

Interested in Becoming a Monitor?
ASA monitors the performance of most of Australia’s ASX200 companies with a dedicated team of company monitors. These volunteer members meet with company chairs and directors to discuss issues of importance to retail shareholders in line with ASA’s Voting and engagement guidelines. Company monitors attend AGMs to ask questions and represent our members and retail shareholders.